The Summer Palace
“When all this is over, we could take horses and stay a week in the palace…”
Follow Damen, Laurent and the supporting characters of Captive Prince on a series of adventures set in and around the events of the novels – and beyond, to learn what happens after the final page is turned.
Ride with Jord and Aimeric and the Prince’s Guard; follow Damen and Laurent as they court each other in the romance of the Summer Palace; accompany Charls the merchant on a caper of delight and disguise in the new kingdom; delve into the world of pets as Ancel rises to power in the Veretian court.
These stories will astound and enthral you as they bring the world of Captive Prince alive.
This extraordinary collection highlights the best of C.S. Pacat and the joys and adventures of Captive Prince.
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